Within this guide, we will be explaining what the League SBC Method is, how you can profit from doing it and how to best prepare yourself for when these SBCs drop in FIFA 22. This guide will take you some time to read. However, if you follow our tips, you will be able to grind the League SBCs when they are released in FIFA 22 and make a profit from them! Note that you can grind these SBCs to make packs, or you can follow our steps to stock your clubs so that when these SBCs are released, you can sell the players for profit.
What is League SBCs?
League SBCs are challenges that drop every FIFA within Ultimate Team. Every team in the league has its own challenge, and all teams must be submitted to complete the entire League SBC. For every team that you submit, you receive some pack reward.
You also obtain a group reward once you complete the entire SBC, which is a better pack compared to the subsections within the SBC. League SBCs are repeatable, so that you can grind these constantly!
The three main ways of gaining FIFA 22 coins are:
You can do the Tradeable parts of the League SBC and hope to gain money from the packs.
You can store cards within your club for a minimum bid before the SBCs come out.
You can flip cards whilst the SBCs are out to make a profit.
Firstly, we will go into detail about doing the League SBC itself. You should only need to buy 2/3 players to complete the team by doing the bronze pack method as explained above.
How do I begin the League SBC grind?
To begin the grind, you have to finish the most boring part of the grind, opening 400 coin bronze packs! Some people skip this step and immediately try to begin buying players for the SBCs.
It is nowhere near as effective as the Bronze Pack Method (BPM). Send ALL of the players into the club (important for the next stage), and you can discard consumables to retrieve some coins from these packs.
Once you have opened around 1/4 of your budget on bronze packs and begin collecting lots of duplicates, this is when you should move on to the next stage of the grind.
What to do with the bronze players in my club?
League SBC Bronzes (Main 5 Leagues, CSL, Eredivisie, etc.) - These cards stay in your club until you begin to complete the various league SBCs. You do not want to do anything with these cards as of yet.
Non-League SBC Bronzes - These bronze cards should be placed into the Bronze Upgrade SBC as the reward for this is the Two Silver Players Pack. This will allow you to begin collecting the Silver players required for the different League SBCs.
What do I do with the non League SBC silver cards obtained from the bronze upgrade?
All-League SBC silvers should be stored in your club for use with the SBCs. However, the non-League SBC silvers can be placed into the Silver Upgrade SBC, rewarding you with three gold players.
A helpful tip to help you obtain more League SBC players is that when Marquee Matchups and rewards come out, this gives you a fantastic opportunity to bid on League SBC players. This allows you to stock your club full of players, which will come in really useful.
What’s the best way to obtain the final players for a specific team within a League SBC?
When faced with requirements, you can either look at FUTBIN or use your own mind to create a solution. When you are ready to start, try buying in order according to the position.
Get goalkeepers first, then defenders, midfielders, and forwards. Make sure you check the formation to exclude positions that aren't required; otherwise, it will be a waste of your coins. Once you have learned the formations and the positions required, you can start buying.
To gain as much profit as possible, you always need to bid, not snipe, as it is almost always more expensive. When bidding, try and bid each position minimum bid. Then wait until all cards have passed through.
If certain positions go by that you've been outbid on, you will need to bid again on positions but go 50 above what you previously bid. Keep doing this until you get what you need. Once you have all your players, fit them into the SBC and complete them.
A little tip, usually only 95 chemistry is required; therefore, you sometimes don't need specific positions. EG. LB can go CB. Once you have completed the SBC and opened your pack reward, you can sell all the content to make a profit or store the cards in your club.
How do I make a profit when the League SBCs drop?
When League SBCs are released, you can make a profit by flipping the cards. They will be inflated already, so buy now prices should be a bit higher. So if you bid on the cards, you can buy them cheaper than the cheapest BIN.
League SBC Silvers and Bronzes - This is something that we do every single year, and it always works well. Usually, the first League SBCs don’t drop until about a month into the game, and during the first week, the prices of league SBC silvers and bronzes are generally low.
This is due to people selling everything that they pack to try and build up their coins. Look out for daily SBCs that offer a pack with silver and/or bronze players.
Also, marquee matchups at the beginning usually offer packs with silvers and bronzes in them. Basically, all you have to do is bid on League SBC silvers and bronzes from the teams with the majority of their players as bronze and silvers.
For example, in FUT 21, these teams were West Brom (Prem), Leeds (Prem), Fulham (Prem), Huesca (La Liga), Stade Brestois (Ligue 1), Benevento (Serie A), etc.
Check on FUTBIN what teams within the major leagues have the most bronzes and silvers and when there is supply, you will want to stock up on as many of these as you can as early as you can because it’s when they’re at their lowest price.
This is so worthwhile because when the League SBCs drop, their price inflates so much that people can get the league completed. I remember last year stocking up on West Brom players, purchasing them all at under 500 coins.
When the league SBC dropped, offering good packs, the players went extinct, even selling at 30k with a price range update. Hence why stocking up early is so important for this method.
Any other helpful advice for grinding League SBCs?
These SBCs are a great way of grinding the game and being honest. It’s a fun way to grind the game by opening packs all day long!!
Something to keep a check on is your Club Value. As you open more bronze packs and continue with the grind, your club value should increase.
As you continue to do more League SBCs, you should find that you can move from one league to the next and keep repeating the process. To sum it all up, it’s free packs!
We hope that this guide has been helpful to you and that you can get a good start to the League SBC grind once FIFA 22 is released. Hopefully, you pack something great and make yourself plenty of coins!
Having fun playing the game, seeing it as a challenge, and not getting frustrated if things aren't going your way altogether form the right mindset to improve and enjoy the process at the same time!
This is more of an in-depth on a few more things that you need to do to maximize your FIFA coins before Sep 27th. Examples used in this guide are based on personal experience and market knowledge from previous years.
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